Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • hiralal
    05-08 05:36 PM
    I guess country quota was an idea to make sure that nationals from one country don't become a voting bloc ..plain and simple ..and hence illegal immigration became such a hot topic since it seemed that mexicans would become a huge voting bloc ...

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  • SKK2004
    08-25 04:35 PM
    Being out of the backlog elimination center and waiting in this line since 2004, trust me when I say this circus isn't new to me :)!

    your are very welcome.

    Chill, relax and live everyday ( this USCIS circus is no fun).

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  • Justin Bieber y Selena Gómez

  • tonyHK12
    02-14 08:42 AM
    thanks cleopatra, ajay and silveroaks for your contribution.

    yes, we are way behind on contributions.

    Amount raised = $2600.00
    Contributions needed = $47,400.00

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  • stuckinmuck
    05-28 02:10 PM
    Subject: Becoming Illegal (good deal)

    (Actual letter from an Iowa resident and sent to his senator)

    The Honorable Tom Harkin
    731 Hart Senate Office Building

    Phone (202) 224 3254
    Washington DC 20510
    Dear Senator Harkin:

    As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.

    My primary reason for wishing to change my status from US Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine, and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.

    Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.

    Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.

    Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as "instate" tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.

    Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.

    If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Your Loyal Constituent,

    <First Name> <Last Name>

    <City>, <State>
    Get your Forms (NOW)!! Call your Internal Revenue Service 1-800-289-1040.

    Please pass this onto your friends so they can save on this great offer!!!!


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  • Foster2007
    07-08 01:12 PM
    I agree. I think each of us should commit to getting AT LEAST 5 more volunteers for the protest in San Jose. This could be family/friends/neighbors etc. We also need a poll to track how many will show up on the 14th.

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  • SunnySurya
    08-29 01:51 PM
    Yes, I do have an update. See my posting the Lawsuit thread.
    Any update on your lawsuit?


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  • desi3933
    08-25 11:29 AM
    Please don't get me started now. Almost everyone on this forum lurks because of self interest. If one has to do public service , I would join a organization like CRY etc.
    Regarding yourself, you lurk on this forum to show you are better than others now that you have your "citizenship". I doubt you have contributed even a single cent to the cause or written any letter or contacted any lawmaker. And I don't blame you because you have no reason to do that.
    But I strongly suggest that you should get a life!!!

    >> Regarding yourself, you lurk on this forum to show you are better than others now that you have your "citizenship".
    Oh really!! How did you come to that conclusion? Could you be kind enough to show me any of my post that remotely suggests that? BTW, I joined this forum 18 months ago and I became US citizen last week.

    >> I doubt you have contributed even a single cent to the cause or written any letter or contacted any lawmaker.

    >>But I strongly suggest that you should get a life!!!
    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Have a good day!

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  • grupak
    08-25 09:53 AM
    I don't mean to be rude but what do you propose? All I hear is if we ask for fixes "they" are going to come after us in some other way.

    Should EB immigrants just accept to wait in line for 10-15yrs without knowing if they will be approved in the end?

    I don't speak for IV but I gather IV doesn't condone abuse of the H1B program. We will be better off if the rules are imposed as they were intended.

    these are very complex issues, where a lot of people try to trivialize or minimize. I haven't visited the forums in a while but doesn't look like much has changed. Division betwen IT and non IT. Dvision between people working at "full time positions". division between eb2 and eb3; country quota, etc.


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  • perm
    08-07 12:45 PM
    when you are able to view the back side of the checks, could you please let us know if they have SRC or LIN for the receipt numbers? That would help lots of users here answer their question about what service center is processing transfer cases...

    Its LIN. strangly it says 'we received the case on July 31st, 2007..' I hope the RD is July 2nd and the ND is July 31st.!!??

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  • When485
    04-21 04:19 PM
    I could not control my feelings and shock when I read your post. We talk and cry about the delays and inconveniences but this one...OMG,,its really upsetting.. I immediately prayed for your welfare and peace...somehow I got a flash inside me saying that " you will live beyond 4-6 months and something will work out for you""

    Hope you get some positive news soon!

    take care


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  • Lasantha
    02-05 10:30 AM
    I only took Bank Statements. In my case they did not even ask to see those.

    As proof of funds for landing, do we need to carry cashiers-checks etc or just a plain printout of bank-statement (INGDirect) is good enough?


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  • krustycat
    10-05 10:05 AM
    If you are still waiting then please add your name

    Important: if you receive the RN then plz write in front of your name, what is RN(if honored actual RN), how did u get RN(check, lawyer, called USCIS), FP date,

    July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William

    July 5th

    July 9, at 11.07 am at Nebraska signed by F.HEINAUER

    July 13, at 11.11 am at Nebraska signed by F.HEINAUER

    July 16, 9:00 am at Nebraska signed by R Pitcher

    July 16, at 11.16 am at Nebraska signed by F.HEINAUER


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  • arnab221
    12-16 12:31 PM
    Soilders returning from voilent conflicts have the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder( PTSD ) also called as Shell Shock . I coin this term "Pre Green card Stress disorder". or Pre Green Card SHock.

    Dr Sanjay Gupta who seems be an immigrant himself has spent lots of hours researching "Shell shock " maybe we should send him this new term to research .

    And last but not the least , Relax . Staying here is not the end of the world .We came here we tried very hard , if God forbid we fail . I personally do not mind one bit to go back to my motherland . Remember if US is teh present then India is the Past and India will be the future . Thats where all the action is now and will be in the future .

    Sorry If my last paragraphs hurt the feelings of any die hard members . I was just expressing my way to reduce the tension and stress that is associated with the GC process .

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  • gc28262
    07-20 10:17 PM
    Dear EB2 guys,

    This thread was started by one EB3 guy to discuss about EB3 plight. If you don't want to constructively ( including criticism ) participate in the discussion, can't you at least stay away from this thread ?

    Why do men go after a pretty girl? shouldn't the ugly one get attention as much attention?

    Men don't realize that make up is the magic that makes these ugly ones look pretty. :D

    Why does your boss make more money than you?

    Because boss takes credit for all your hard work.

    Why Katrina Kaif is sought after not Nandita Das?

    I beg to differ. I prefer Nandita Das over Katrina. Nandita is more brains with reasonable beauty.

    Why does a person with a 770 credit score get lower interest?

    In America people having more debt has better credit history. In our country it would be considered stupid to give credit to a man in debt.


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  • Justin Bieber y Selena Gómez

  • the_jaguar
    12-12 09:04 PM
    If you think it is that ridiculuous, then you should tell the core members that. They did ask us to call him on the last day of LD. There is nothing wrong in writing to him. In fact, you are making a comparison that is not correct.

    Actually, it was an exceptional situation. As you are well aware of, we had to get an unanimous consent if the skil bill were to pass in the LD, so, we needed to have Session's approval. To deflect the situation, he just said that his office hadnt received any positive comments.. When we ended up jamming his phones and gave all the positive comments, what came out of that, nuthing.. he did not budge from his stance.. It was just a ploy and even if the entire US of A had called him, he would not have changed his stance.. He had to score brownie points from his supporters. He knows that the Skil bill will be passed next year, and may be some form of CIR even.. He can then blame it on the democrats and stand for re-election in 2009 with complete support from his supporters..
    Its all a gimmick for votes. This is politics, same thing in every country, just more sophisticated here...

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  • paskal
    07-09 11:57 AM
    [QUOTE=desi3933]� 245.1 Eligibility.
    (a) General. Any alien who is physically present in the United States, except for an alien who is ineligible to apply for adjustment of status under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, may apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident of the United States if the applicant is eligible to receive an immigrant visa and an immigrant visa is immediately available at the time of filing of the application. A special immigrant described under section 101(a)(27)(J) of the Act shall be deemed, for the purpose of applying the adjustment to status provisions of section 245(a) of the Act, to have been paroled into the United States, regardless of the actual method of entry into the United States.

    [Emphasis added for clarity]

    this clause is very clear
    the last one posted did not say you cannot apply
    only who can actually be adjusted....


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  • brij523
    12-10 09:17 AM

    Good post. One question to you. Would you be able to give 7 days of your vacation early next year? I want to device a strategy for success. If you are interested we will work togther. And whatever strategy is formed, it will have blessing of IV and participating member. Please reply for this post. Be serious. I am not joking.

    Not only you I need around 100 peoples one weeks time. So other people serious about getting GC, if you are willing to part away your valuable one week time that would be great.

    I would like to stress, I am not dying because of GC. But I think we need to do something to get GC. Otherwise, we will be in QUE, a lonnnngggg QUE.

    Hope I have some taker.


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  • nrk
    02-04 11:22 AM
    Hi Guys,
    I came to know that if there is a significant increase in the new salary compared to old labor salary, the chances of getting a query is more.

    Let us assume that if you old labor salary is X and if you want to take up a new job with X + 30% or more the chances for USCIS query is more.
    If the salary increases between the jobs is 10% there should not be any issue.

    Of course, these words are not from an attorney, i talked to a senior guy who is in this profession.

    Before you are planning to use AC 21, please consult with attroney first and they only accept the new job.

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  • Fotos: Justin Bieber y Selena

  • CADude
    10-11 04:09 PM
    Wakeup guys/gals, work for FIFO otherwise your wait will be 2 days to 100 days on RIRO process.

    Please participate in tomorrow teleconference with CIS Ombudsman�s office. This will be last chance to force and allow FIFO Don't let miss this Golden opportunity.

    Details provided in many tread.

    July VB Fiasco I-485 Receipting Delays

    The USCIS has yet to release the detailed progress report on the receipting delays in terms of the numbers that have yet to be processed for receipting. The only thing people know through various private websites just indicates that there are a plenty of people who are still waiting for filing fee checks cashed or receipt notices received for the cases which were filed as early as July 2, 2007, not to mention any later cases.

    We reported earlier that the USCIS had allegedly received total of 800,000 cases for the July VB fiasco cases. There is an unconfirmed report that they have completed the receipting only half way through of the total, meaning approximately 400,000. There are no sources of information to verify or confirm the figures. However, if it is correct, the USCIS has yet to process mountains of receipting workloads ahead and the filers have some additional sleepless nights which they will have to endure for a while. AMEN!

    02-22 12:27 PM
    An egg, when broken from inside, brings in new life but if broken from outside, kills it.

    It has 1001 meanings within it!

    Thanks for sharing...

    07-25 02:56 PM
    but if we take rental, dont they ask why u brought rental?

    I took my car.Once you get landed immigrant status in canada, everything needs to be transferred with you. They asked me either transfer my car or take it back to USA right away.As I have my family with me, So I argued for a while but no success. So i went to the customs and let them fill up the paper work to get the car transferred.Also they dont let your personal car to list in the things to follow paperwork, if you are driving the same car.I came back to USA after two weeks. But the transfer procedure still require you to get clearance from the USA for which you have to give the 72 hour notice to some agency and then take the car.Also you need Manufacturing clearance recall letter(which can be done both in USA & Canada).
    I did not pay canadian customs a fee which is 209 + tax, as I want to bring the car back to usa. You have 45 days to get all this things done , other wise You have to export the car back to USA. They told me to send the payment or they will send a reminder notice after 10 days, which to date i have not received yet.You have to buy insurance and change the odometer into Km and also headlights should remain on when you start your car. I dont know what gonna happen, but I will sell the car if I have to, and send them the sale receipt.By the way i entered from detriot, and everything went smoothly.

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