Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • calboy78
    08-18 11:33 PM
    Again folks! please think hard, what can be done ???? (other than filling lawsuits)

    Just throwing ideas (may or may not work..need to brainstorm):
    Write letters to Ombudsman, USCIS, DHS, Senators. Keep writing until they listen

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  • kingnaga
    10-04 12:46 AM
    Don worry bros, we're gonna get it soo...n. waiting sucks, but better than not applying u no...

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  • stillhopefull
    09-21 09:43 AM
    All mine and my spouse's applications were transfered to Vermont. my I-140 was approved from TSC. My checks were cashed on July17th and that is how I know that it is pending at VSC.
    Yesterday I got an email that Card production ordered for EAD. All applications applied on July 6th. I am not sure on what basis they transfered. But it looks like Vermont has started approving the EAD cards. Hopefully, I will get it soon too in the mail.

    Thanks for the update. There is hope then....:)

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  • simple1
    05-04 11:39 PM
    Well since INA doesnt specifically state anything regarding this, the regulation CFR takes over.

    Our focus of discussion is ebquota, how much and who is eligible. That is clearly documented in INA.

    INA also clearly describes family based.


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  • morchu
    05-08 01:51 PM
    Is it still not clear for you? eb-dependents are NOT eligible for F2A.
    We have to follow the regulation when law is not clear and the regulation (CFR22) mentioned specifically that eb-dependents are eligble for EB-category. Regulations and interpretations are there for a reason, and it has to be followed when law is not clear.

    I agree that INA doesnt specifically says that, but at the same time INA specifically rules out eb-dependents from F2A also. To be eligible for F2A you should be dependent of a permanent resident "at the time of application".

    You should probably stream line your effort to not count eb-dependents in any visa-numbers (since neither the regulation or law is clear on that part).

    You are still under a mis-concept that every word and sentence has to be quoted in "INA", and can ignore all official regulations and interpretations.


    VISA BULLETIN FOR JUNE 2009 sets back EB2 priority back to 01JAN00.

    Some thing needs to be done. The easist will be not counting ebdependents in ebquota. This should be very easy. There is no INA law linking ebquota with ebdependents.

    I need IV Core help for this.

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  • lp2007
    11-17 09:16 PM
    Email sent! Thanks for posting the link.


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  • gsc999
    07-06 07:38 PM
    This event has been registered at SJPD but no permit was issued.
    Having a permit means you can block the traffic.
    Without a permit, we are required to stay on sidewalks.
    The police put down my name, driver license # and address.
    However, when I asked if I have any liability for others fault, the ploice said NO. Everybody abides by law for himself.
    Can you PM me your e-mail address, I want to join your group tomorrow and then organize a similar event on 14th July. Yes, that is what the SJPD told me also.

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  • americandesi
    04-22 02:21 PM
    I work for company A which sent me to client C through company B(Prefered vendor). After working with the same client for 1.5 yrs, transfered my h1b to company B(PF) due to issues with the pay with company A. Company A has deducted huge sum of money($4000) from my last months pay towards PERM filing(Still under process). Upon demanding them to reimburse my money saying that its against law, they r threatening me saying that based on non-compete agreement they will take legal action against me.
    I am not actually aware of the clauses in the agreement. company B(PF) told me that it does not have any clauses in its agreement with company A prohibiting them from taking me.Though i requested company A to provide me a copy of non-compete, they said i signed with them, they haven�t. The company is located in NJ and not sure how non-competes work under NJ state law.
    I am really frustated upon this blackmail and going thru lot of pressure. The amount is too big too leave and cannot afford to hire a lawyer in case they file suit based on non-compete. even if i had signed a non compete agreement how does it stand as it is conflicting the agreement which company a signed with PF sayign tht upon my termination of the emplyment with them, Pf can take me without any gap period... what can i do to get my money. they also refused to provide me with experience letter which i need for my future GC filing.
    Plz give me ur valuable inputs

    Restrictive employment contracts are non-enforcable, atleast in California. Here's a classic case of a H1B employee who successfully sued his employer on a restrictive employment contract and the employer was ordered to pay $215,050.61 in damages.


    Also note that all PERM related expenses should be borne only by the employer. Refer the following link and search for "Certain Payments are Employer's Expenses under PERM" and "Employer Must Pay even with Dual Representation "



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  • hoolahoous
    08-27 06:22 PM
    GC comes with a 'sleeve' to keep the card safely. The pouch in the sleeve have special silver lining to prevent 'de-magnetisation' over the period. Please, take due care as its not easy to get replacement.

    I was advised so, at SSA. As I was about to put the card in my wallet (Ya, I went to SSA to update my ssn) gentleman at the window interrupted me. I thought I should share this small tip with IVian fella.

    Good luck to everyone !!

    it is not to prevent 'de-magnetization' but to prevent rfid communication. All new passport and other govt id 'cards' ship with rfid chip in them which contains encrypted biometrics info. Since rfid info can be read even 10 meters away with right equipment, it is better to put it in a metallic sleeve (creating a Faraday cage) to prevent anyone from sniffing then biometrics info.
    here is more info ..

    SecureIDNews | New U.S. 'Green Card' using optical stripe, RFID technology (http://www.secureidnews.com/2010/05/12/new-u-s-green-card-using-optical-stripe-rfid-technology)

    edit: some additional info, mythbusters did a segment on the myth of demagentized credit card. It would take a really very strong magnet to demagnetize the strip, definitely not the kind you would carry in your pocket.

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  • atmercyofdol
    10-09 11:47 AM
    So, while we are amusing ourselves:

    How about ancestoral property?
    How about skymiles?
    Number of children?

    how about based on salary?

    everybody maximize their own utility.


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  • EB3_SEP04
    08-20 02:56 PM

    Sorry if I am posting on wrong thread. I am in the process of sending my documents for EAD renewal and had few questions

    Do we need to include a cover letter ?

    Also I am sending the following documents.

    1) copy I-485 receipt notice
    2) copy of EAD (front and back)
    3) two color photos
    4) Filing fee check $340
    5) Mailer stub received from previous EAD.

    Am I missing anything else?

    A cover letter even though not required, is always a good idea. Do mention in bold that you want the new EAD to start from mm/dd/yy which is when your current one expires, otherwise it could start from the approval date and you could lose 2-3 months. I'd keep the cover letter short, just 2-3 lines plus doc list.
    Good luck.

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  • xbeartai
    05-23 01:52 PM

    Published: May 23, 2007

    First I had to laugh. Then I had to cry.

    I took part in commencement this year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    one of America's great science and engineering schools, so I had a front-row
    seat as the first grads to receive their diplomas came on stage, all of
    them Ph.D. students. One by one the announcer read their names and each was
    handed their doctorate - in biotechnology, computing, physics and
    engineering - by the school's president, Shirley Ann Jackson.

    The reason I had to laugh was because it seemed like every one of the newly
    minted Ph.D.'s at Rensselaer was foreign born. For a moment, as the foreign
    names kept coming - "Hong Lu, Xu Xie, Tao Yuan, Fu Tang" - I thought that
    the entire class of doctoral students in physics were going to be Chinese,
    until "Paul Shane Morrow" saved the day. It was such a caricature of what
    President Jackson herself calls "the quiet crisis" in high-end science
    education in this country that you could only laugh.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm proud that our country continues to build
    universities and a culture of learning that attract the world's best minds.
    My complaint - why I also wanted to cry - was that there wasn't someone from
    the Immigration and Naturalization Service standing next to President
    Jackson stapling green cards to the diplomas of each of these foreign-born
    Ph.D.'s. I want them all to stay, become Americans and do their research and
    innovation here. If we can't educate enough of our own kids to compete at
    this level, we'd better make sure we can import someone else's, otherwise we
    will not maintain our standard of living.

    It is pure idiocy that Congress will not open our borders - as wide as
    possible - to attract and keep the world's first-round intellectual draft
    choices in an age when everyone increasingly has the same innovation tools
    and the key differentiator is human talent. I'm serious. I think any foreign
    student who gets a Ph.D. in our country - in any subject - should be
    offered citizenship. I want them. The idea
    that we actually make it difficult for them to stay is crazy.

    Compete America, a coalition of technology companies, is pleading with
    Congress to boost both the number of H-1B visas available to companies
    that want to bring in skilled foreign workers and the number of employment-
    based green cards given to high-tech foreign workers who want to stay here.
    Give them all they want! Not only do our companies need them now, because we
    're not training enough engineers, but they will, over time, start many more
    companies and create many more good jobs than they would possibly displace.
    Silicon Valley is living proof of that - and where innovation happens
    matters. It's still where the best jobs will be located.

    Folks, we can't keep being stupid about these things. You can't have a world
    where foreign-born students dominate your science graduate schools,
    research labs, journal publications and can now more easily than ever go
    back to their home countries to start companies - without it eventually
    impacting our standard of living - especially when we're also slipping
    behind in high-speed Internet penetration per capita. America has fallen
    from fourth in the world in 2001 to 15th today.

    My hat is off to Andrew Rasiej and Micah Sifry, co-founders of the Personal
    Democracy Forum. They are trying to make this an issue in the presidential
    campaign by creating a movement to demand that candidates focus on our
    digital deficits and divides. (See: http://www.techpresident.com <http://www.techpresident.com>.) Mr. Rasiej, who unsuccessfully ran for public advocate of New York City in 2005 on a platform calling for low-cost wireless access everywhere, notes that "only half of America has broadband access to the Internet." We need to go from "No Child Left Behind," he says, to "Every Child

    Here's the sad truth: 9/11, and the failing Iraq war, have sucked up almost
    all the oxygen in this country - oxygen needed to discuss seriously
    education, health care, climate change and competitiveness, notes Garrett
    Graff, an editor at Washingtonian Magazine and author of the upcoming book "
    The First Campaign," which deals with this theme. So right now, it's mostly
    governors talking about these issues, noted Mr. Graff, but there is only so
    much they can do without Washington being focused and leading.

    Which is why we've got to bring our occupation of Iraq to an end in the
    quickest, least bad way possible - otherwise we are going to lose Iraq and
    America. It's coming down to that choice.


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  • babyblue
    06-15 10:08 AM
    We posted our 485 application to Texas service center on May 31st and on 6th June they mailed us the receipt number for me and my wife.
    Checks were also cashed on 6th June.

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  • ps3539
    02-04 08:23 AM
    Grass is always greener on the other side...

    If you have ead ... I suggest do not go to india

    going back for parents' health is valid & noble reason...


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  • SleeplessinSeatle
    08-02 10:26 AM
    My case was received by NSC on Jun 25th. No word yet. My I-140 is from Texas. Very worrying situation,

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  • wellwisher02
    03-29 01:33 PM
    As proof of funds for landing, do we need to carry cashiers-checks etc or just a plain printout of bank-statement (INGDirect) is good enough?


    Just carry your bank statements. No need to carry cash or cashier's checks.
    Visit your bank's website, log into your bank savings/checking account and download your bank account statements.


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  • dpp
    07-27 09:23 PM
    I was looking at the comments of one "sodepressed" in the Ron gothcer's forum..I am feeling really bad for this guy..I dont know what logic USCIS follows..but I assure you EB-3 I will fight for fair share and get it..with in 140 K numbers or thro Visa recapture #'s..first is to highlight our problems..so lets do it in creative ways...

    EB-3 I I can see we progressing very soon..lets send out those letters..


    Where the hell all these guys when EB3 is getting 80K to 100K of total 140K visas all these years and EB2 is getting just merely 10%-15%. Nobody from EB2 didn't felt jealous like this before. It is hard to digest for them now.

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  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    09-09 07:44 PM
    is there any way I can give myself red?

    so called active member!!!!!!. Did u wake up after your PD is current and looking for suggestions??? ha. One of those hippocratic persons.
    I am talking to you l

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  • coopheal
    09-23 05:52 PM
    Excluding dependents is like making the Cap 2.5 times, when I say least controversial I intend to that everybody in the legal immigrant community will support it. If the cap becomes 300K Per annum, Iam sure everybody by which I mean even if somebody has filed for his / her labor today will get approved within 2 years (Equivalent to 600K visa numbers). Of course this will require a change of law but nobody EB1, EB2, EB3, ROW, India / China would oppose this as everybody's process gets speeded up. There is no other way to clear the backlog in its entirety and ensure that it does not happen again like this solution of excluding dependents.

    my dear friend come back in reality..... to put it least harshly... “khayali pulav banana band karo” (stop day dreaming)
    IV core needs to focus on real issues and obstructions which anti throw our way

    08-31 07:26 PM
    Congrats.. You made it

    05-23 10:25 AM
    Already emailed all the senators in the list.. including faxes to two of my state Senators, FL. Also.. going to call few in the afternoon.

    I hope this works..

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